Also by this author: Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories: With Over 450 Things to Find and Count!, Seek and Find: New Testament Bible Stories, Seek and Find: the First Christmas Activity Book, Seek and Find: The First Christmas: A Lift the Flap Book , Seek & Find Christmas Lift the Flap Book, Seek and Find: More Old Testament Bible Stories: With over 450 Things to Find and Count!
Series: Seek and Find #3
Published by Good Book Company on October 15, 2022
Genres: Children's, Bible Stories, Christmas
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Seek-and-find activity book exploring the very first Christmas.
Young children will love interacting with the Christmas story as they find, count and sort over 450 hidden things in this large-format board book.
They will learn key truths about the first Christmas through the biblically faithful illustrations and retellings of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ birth.
This large board book features eight double-page spreads with scenes from the Nativity. At the beginning of each one, Sarah Parker cites the Bible passage that inspired it and briefly summarizes that part of the story. She always concludes with a simple observation for children, such as “Jesus is God with us.” The illustrations from André Parker picture each scene with ethnically accurate illustrations and lots of details for kids to look for based on the sidebar. This will appeal to kids who enjoy seek-and-find books, and would be a great activity for a parent to do with their child or for siblings to do together. I know that I would have enjoyed this when I was the target age for it, since my sister and I loved looking for the hidden ladybugs in a devotional book we had.
Seek and Find: The First Christmas relates the Nativity story in simple, child-friendly terms. Unlike the previous seek-and-find books from the Parkers, this one works as a storybook. Because it focuses on a single narrative instead of including multiple different Bible stories in one book, the author is able to share more details and give a deeper sense of what happened. This isn’t just a fun book to supplement a child’s understanding of the story, but can help introduce them to it.
This will be a fun gift book for kids, can be useful in family devotions, and would be a great resource for Sunday school, church nursery, or a faith-based school. This book is suitable for preschool-aged children and up to use independently, and parents can use it with toddlers. Also, even though most of the seek-and-find items are more about counting items on the page than finding hidden things, there are enough harder tasks and suggested bonus activities that older children can enjoy this as well. The publisher also sells an accompanying activity book that has more complex things for older kids. I shamelessly enjoyed this as an adult, and think that it will have great age range flexibility for kids.