Also by this author: Kings Falling, Dawn of Vengeance, Brand of Light, Storm Rising, Kings Falling, Soul Raging
Series: The Book of the Wars #1
Published by Bethany House on July 2, 2019
Genres: Fiction, Christian, Suspense, Thriller
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Mentioned in the pages of the Septuagint but lost to history, the Book of the Wars has resurfaced, and its pages hold secrets--and dangers--never before seen on earth.
Tasked with capturing the ancient text, former Navy SEAL Leif Metcalfe is finally given command of his own team. But their best efforts are ruined when a notorious Bulgarian operative known as "Viorica" snatches the volume right out from under them.
Iskra "Viorica" Todorova is determined to use the book to secure the thing that matters most--freedom. But a series of strange storms erupts around the globe and the coming dangers foretold in the text threaten crops, lives--entire nations.
Though both are haunted by secrets of their past and neither trusts the other, Leif and Iskra must form an uneasy alliance to thwart impending disaster. However, the truth hidden in two-thousand-year-old words could unleash the storm of their own destruction.
Storm Rising is the first book in Ronie Kendig’s The Book of the Wars trilogy. For readers of her earlier series, it will be like meeting up with old acquaintances, because there are some familiar characters from Tox Files and Discarded Heroes that show up in this story. If you are a new reader, you can go ahead and read this book, because it does well as a stand-alone. But for lovers of her earlier books, there will definitely be an added dimension. I love how she ties them together and allows us to continue renewing our acquaintance with old and favorite friends.
This story is very much action driven, and while I absolutely love all the action, the characters are kind of where it’s at for me! I really loved the main characters. Leif Metcalfe is an amazing hero! He is brave, courageous, and yet very much real. I loved being able to witness him at his best, and then also at his worst, because it is in those moments when you see someone for who they really are. It is their weaknesses, if you will, that allows you to really know and understand characters.
I also quickly loved Iskra/Viorica and all her deep hurts because of all the traumatic things she’s been forced to face in her life. She’s portrayed so beautifully. Dangerous, intoxicating, and yet, fragile. I really enjoyed seeing the progression in their relationship—at the beginning the were barely tolerating each other to becoming friends, and understanding each other in unexpected ways.
This mission in this story is absolutely incredible. They are looking for a long-lost treasure: The Book of the Wars mentioned in the Bible. What an exciting endeavor. And the journey of searching and seeking for this book is just filled with nail-biting suspense. This is not a book you will want to start reading and then lay down. No, be prepared to lose several hours of your life as you immerse yourself in these pages. You won’t want to stop until you reach the last page.
I absolutely loved the danger. The intrigue. The racing-around-the-world-to-find-the-treasure aspect of this story. Intensity so thick you can slice it with a knife…
Ronie Kendig is a pro at spinning a dangerous and suspense-filled story, the ins-and-outs of top secret missions, all the behind-the-scenes details facing a special ops team. Writing all of these in an amazingly brilliant storyline with beautifully described settings. She leaves us hanging at the end, a major cliff hanger, and it gave me that feeling of desperation because the second book wasn’t out yet.
One of my favorite things about reading a Kendig novel is that feeling of being part of a top-secret mission, getting all the feels, and yet, maintaining safety as I experience it from my comfy chair at home. In my opinion, this is Ms. Kendig’s finest novel yet!