Also by this author: Little Bible Heroes: Joshua, Little Bible Heroes: Ruth
Series: Little Bible Heroes
Published by B&H Publishing on June 1, 2015
Genres: Children's, Children's Educational
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What could be better than a great hero story? TWO great hero stories! And there’s no better place to find them than the Bible. Each Little Bible Heroes™ Flip-Over Book offers two stories of bravery, faithfulness, and kindness—straight from the Bible and perfect for little hero-loving hearts! In these pages, read how young David bravely fought Goliath in God’s name. Then flip the book over and learn how Esther had the courage to save her people. Two great stories to learn from and enjoy! Collect the entire Little Bible Heroes™ series:Creation/Noah Flip-Over BookMiriam/Daniel Flip-Over BookJoshua/Rahab Flip-Over BookSamuel/The Little Maid Flip-Over BookDavid/Esther Flip-Over BookJoseph/The Good Samaritan Flip-Over BookChristmas/Easter Flip-Over BookJesus’ Miracles/Martha Flip-Over Book
Two stories in one book! The Little Bible Heroes flip-over book series is an easy to read and fun to look at retelling of biblical stories in a way that even the youngest of children can understand.
This installment of the series covers the stories of David and Esther. Each story is 14 pages long with seven pages containing text. The reading level is very simple and could be read to a child in under five minutes (a great bedtime option!) Or, beginning readers could even read this to themselves.
David‘s story focuses on the classic David and Goliath tale. The themes of faith and trust in God shine brightly through this story. Esther‘s story condenses the tale into Esther becoming queen and asking the king to stop Haman from killing the Jews.
I really appreciate the way Victoria Kovacs simplifies the story in such a way that all relevant details are kept within the storyline. She uses simple sentences and the present tense to convey a sense of immediacy. Mike Krome’s illustrations are wonderfully colored and make good use of shapes to provide a visually stimulating aspect to the story.
Overall, the Little Bible Heroes series is absolutely phenomenal and I heartily recommend it. B&H Kids is standing out from the pack in creating and publishing quality titles for our youngest readers