Also by this author: Moses and the Very Big Rescue, Deborah and the Very Big Battle, Moses and the Very Big Rescue, Deborah and the Very Big Battle, Esther and the Very Brave Plan, God's Very Colourful Creation, God's Very Colourful Creation, Joshua and the Very Strong City, God’s Big Promises: The First Christmas: Sticker and Activity Book, God’s Big Promises: Advent Calendar and Family Devotions, God’s Big Promises Bible Story Prayers: 101 Prayers for Children
Series: Very Best Bible Stories
Published by Good Book Company on August 1, 2021
Genres: Children's, Bible Stories
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In this faithful and fun account of Genesis 1, children 2-4 years old will discover how God made his very good and wonderful creation. Children will learn that God used every shade of the rainbow, and so many more!
It teaches children about colors and has bright, fun illustrations by Jennifer Davison.
This vibrant picture book features beautiful art and joyful text that celebrates color and God’s creativity. The book adapts the creation account from Genesis for a young child’s level, and focuses on the beauty and majesty of what God made. The illustrations from Jennifer Davison are bright, vibrant, and lovely to look at, and the text from Tim Thornborough has wonderful rhythm and includes lots of different color names and synonyms. The vocabulary nerd in me particularly enjoyed this, and it’s a great way to teach children a broad vocabulary for different shades of color. It is almost always clear from context what unfamiliar color names would refer to, and parents may learn some new words as well.
Near the end of the book, the page about God creating mankind in his image pictures people with lots of different shades of skin. This is a nice nod to racial diversity as part of God’s colorful creation, but it could be confusing or distracting to some children, since the text presents this as part of the creation story without a specific focus on Adam and Eve as the characters in the Genesis narrative. The book connects human diversity with the concept of people growing and filling the earth, but I think that this part of the book would have benefited from a stronger transition between the Genesis story and the future development of mankind.
God’s Very Colorful Creation is a great book for Christian families, churches, and Christian schools. The book is so bright and colorful that it can be eye-catching from a distance, if a teacher is holding it up at the front of a room, and the enthusiastic, rhythmic text lends itself well to a read-aloud. If I were reading this to children, I would clarify some of the specific details of the Genesis narrative to prevent confusion, but the book is a great way to celebrate God’s creativity and design in the world around us and in the human race.