God’s Very Colorful Creation – Tim Thornborough and Jennifer Davison

God's Very Colourful Creation by Tim Thornborough, Jennifer Davison
Also by this author: Moses and the Very Big Rescue, Deborah and the Very Big Battle, Moses and the Very Big Rescue, Deborah and the Very Big Battle, God's Very Colourful Creation, Esther and the Very Brave Plan, God's Very Colourful Creation, Joshua and the Very Strong City, God’s Big Promises: The First Christmas: Sticker and Activity Book, God’s Big Promises: Advent Calendar and Family Devotions, God’s Big Promises Bible Story Prayers: 101 Prayers for Children
on August 1, 2021
Genres: Children's, Bible Stories
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In this faithful and fun account of Genesis 1, children 2-4 years old will discover how God made his very good and wonderful creation. Children will learn that God used every shade of the rainbow, and so many more!
It teaches children about colors and has bright, fun illustrations by Jennifer Davison.

The Good Book Company is my go-to publisher for quality children’s books. Everything they publish is well thought out, age-appropriate, colorful, diverse, and just all-around quality. Building on this incredible foundation, they’ve just released two more books in the Very Best Bible Stories series.

This series is exactly what it bills itself as: a simple retelling of a biblical story. Every story begins with “a true story from the Bible,” reiterating that while a lot of children’s books are fictional, these are real history. That’s an important distinction to make, especially for children. The first page always includes a summary and after not being sure whether or not I liked that for the first couple of entries, I’ve landed on enjoying it. It gives young readers an idea of where the story is going, tells them what to look for, and sometimes gives them hints for application

God’s Very Colorful Creation is a unique take on the creation story, using the motif of color to take readers on a journey through the creation week. The first panel is a purply darkness—Everything was dark, but God’s Spirit was there, getting ready to do something amazing. In the next panel, light explodes onto the page in all of its yellows and oranges. The second day sees the introduction of blues as God creates the sky and the sea. The sky was azure and cobalt, periwinkle and powder blue, baby blue and midnight blue. It’s a beautiful, poetic, artistic way of expressing God’s creation.

Jennifer Davison’s illustrations really carry the story, popping with a vibrance and brightness that draws the eye in and makes it linger. My children have stared at each page for minutes, soaking in every bit of it. I turn the page to keep reading, they turn the page back because they haven’t finished looking yet.

It culminates with God’s creation of man and woman in all their various colors. And they grew and filled the earth. Their skins were black and brown and tan and rosy pink. Their hair was red and blond and chestnut and raven black. “Oh, this is good,” said God. “It’s so very, very good.”

From creation care to Sabbath to understanding diversity to learning colors, God’s Very Colorful Creation shines magnificently. Every time that I think The Good Book Company can’t do better, they surprise me with stories and perspectives I didn’t expect.
